Sunday, April 12, 2009

Achieving the Golf Swing of Pro Golfers

Developing the perfect golf swing takes time and tons of practice. It also pays to take note of how pro golfers execute their winning swings. By taking note of the following tips and taking time to work them out, you will surely be enjoying tournament successes in no time.

1. Ask any pro golfer, and he or she will tell you that the power it takes to get that ball flying does not come from the arms alone. Use your entire body to achieve maximum power. If you are used to fuelling the golf club with your arms, wrist and hands, then you might struggle at first trying to employ the rest of your body. Practice hitting the ball with using your torso and legs. Once you get the hang of swinging the club with your entire body, you will notice that you are sending that ball flying with more consistency and accuracy.

2. Swivel your shoulders perfectly each time you do a backswing. Your right forearm should be parallel to your spine and your left wrist is flat. To ensure you are doing it the right way, your elbows and arms should form a triangle. Make sure you got this effective position pat at the top of your swing – you are guaranteed a perfectly solid hit, and a more accurate one.

3. Many amateurs fail at making a solid hit because of two reasons. First, the right way of pivoting the wrist is done too late during the backswing because the takeaway is likely to be too low to the ground. Second, achieving a bad posture by swinging the club too far during the backswing, thinking this is the right way to gain power. However, taking note of a few things will help eradicate these flaws. Make sure a 45-degree angle exists between your left arm and the shaft of the club at setup. Your hands should remain as close to the ground as possible during the takeaway, while moving the head of the club upwards rapidly. Notice how your left arm is parallel to the ground and the shaft is perpendicular to it? This is about enough to prevent you from swinging your arms too far at the backswing; thus, putting off bad posture and reverse pivot.

4. Golf is an outdoor game, so it’s best of you are able to practice chipping outdoors. However, one is tempted to hit chips indoors from time to time. You can perfect your chipping with the help of a wooden rod or a busted club shaft. Get the hang of your chipping technique – just make sure that your left wrist remains solid as the club passes through the area of impact. The rod or shaft you are using will hit your left side should your left wrist give way during the impact. Practice is the key to mastering your chipping.

5. From time to time, even pro golfers get caught red handed losing flex in their back legs as they try for distance. Inconsistent swings constantly take the success out of any game of golf. It’s best if you can view your posture in a full-length mirror when you practice your swings from time to time. Start with the setup position, hold it then look at the mirror. Do the backswing, hold it and observe your posture. This will help you determine your postural flaws during your golf swing.

How To Fine Tune Your Golf Swing

For some, golf is one of those games that may shorten your lifespan. But for others, it is a grand game where patience and a good hip go a long way. While it may seem simple enough as all you need to do is to hit a metallic ball really hard to hurl it towards a hole at the other side, countless people have trounced in frustration because of it. Luckily, it doesn't have to always be so bad.

Keep it simple, keep practicing .

The keyword in golf is consistency. If you can't hit the ball the same way each and every single time, then you will definitely have bad scores. Such problems like short distance, slicing, hooks, and many other golfing maladies are caused by lack of consistency. Therefore, you are to achieve consistency by improving your form. The only way for your body to do the same thing in the same way is to train it, and train it well.


Learning how to swing your club properly should be simple enough as long as you practice. A good way to think about it is to use your spine as an axis and keep your grip on the club properly. Such techniques are used by professional golfers all around the world. While differences can be quite subtle, there are many different types of golf swings. The similarity is that they all adhere to this principle. If you learn how to apply these principles to your swing, then you shall have no problem in driving longer distances without slicing and having 90% of strokes landing on the fairway.

Economy of movement .

The best thing to do with your golf swing is to reduce unnecessary movements. Think of it as energy conservation, since all of your energy is supposed to be focused on hitting the ball and not wasted on awkward movements that cause slicing and other problems in the first place. Get back to the basics and incorporate only the movements needed to hit the ball dead center. This should lower your handicap by 7-12 strokes in no time. With more practice, you will hit par or better every single time. However, that is only if you do practice.

Get lessons

To learn more about the golf swing, the most obvious thing is to receive instruction in an actual golf class. These classes would have equipment and instructors that can help you achieve perfection as long as you have the determination, discipline, and money to do it. Enrolling in such classes does require a fee, so you do need to be earning quite a bit before you can actually think of getting into it. However, you can learn a lot if you do.

Read up

Others would try to find information over the internet. This is quite convenient, but the information gathered can be quite conflicting. As there are many different ways to hit a golf ball, experts are divided in what is the best way to improve your golf swing. Your job in this is to find out what is best for you. Every golfer has a different body, so not everyone can adhere to the same swing.
By being able to adjust to your configuration, you can improve without having to break a back or hip to do it.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Golf Swing Tips

There is no argument that golf is very popular. It may not be one of the events in the Olympics but whenever there is a tournament, you can expect to see a lot of people watch both in the course and on television. You can be just as good as the pros someday if you follow these golf swing tips.

When you play golf, don’t just hit the ball as hard as you can and hope that it will make the ball land near the hole. Unlike cards, this is not chance but proper technique is involved to make it happen.
This may not happen every time because there are things beyond your control like the wind and any obstruction that lay within the path but you can just imagine how well you can do if the conditions are just perfect.

The first tip to do well when you make a golf swing is to learn how to control your body. In this game, how you raise your arm to the time that you let your club hit the ball is important. It is not only about strength that makes the ball travel far but the recoil effect.

So how do you achieve this recoil effect? This is done by not turning your body too much when you start from your right to the left. There are various aids to help you out here like working with a heavier club, getting someone to watch you, practicing in front of the mirror and recording how you swing with a video camera and playing it back.

When you turn from one side to the other, keep your hands relaxed the entire time. If you are unable to do that, you put a strain on your muscle making it hard for you to achieve the shot you desire.
To make this work, remember that the arms are an extension of something bigger because the power does not come from here but from your abs and hips which happen to be two are the largest muscles in the body.

Make it a point to always hit the ball right in the center. That way, you are able to divert it to the direction you want it to go. So you know where the ball is going, keep your eye on this until you send it flying through the air.

Aside from working on the upper body, don’t forget to work on your footing. For that to happen, make sure both feet are flat on the ground so you are able to transfer the weight from the right side until it passes a little over your left shoulder.

The golf swing tips mentioned are not hard to do. It just takes a little bit of practice so that you are able to maintain consistency each time it is your turn to putt on the green. Just remember that when you make the first putt, you must have a relaxed grip on the club with your feet flat on the ground so you are able to swing from the right to the left with a good back swing and follow through.
From there, your ball will land within yards of the hole making it easy for you to put it in and move on to the next hole. This would take more time than anticipated if you did not make some adjustments in your golf swing.

3 Golf Swing Drills to Improve Your Putting

After hitting the ball as close to the hole as possible, it is just a matter of putting so you can move on to the next one. While this may sound easy given the short distance, there are still some who have a hard time. To help you out, here are 4 golf swing drills you can try.

The first is the one handed drill. You do this by practice putting ten balls using only your training hand. This drill lets you focus on the palm of your hand as it moves towards the cup.
Next, practice putting using your target hand. The emphasis here is for you to concentrate on your back hand moving towards the cup.

When you do this drill using either hand, be conscious of the toe of your putter in the follow through. Should this turn away from the cup or point toward it, this means you are turning your hand. So you know you are doing it right, the face of the putter should be square to the cup.
Another drill is to practice putting with one eye. Some golfers do this because it stops them from lifting their head prematurely. If you have played this game often, you can even try putting with your eyes closed.

But won’t closing your eyes make it harder for you to see where the ball is going? Yes but research has shown that when you try to putt with your eyes open, there is interference with the brain/muscle control system. By closing your eyes, you are relying more on your hands to guide the ball into the hole. And how will you know if the ball goes in? By simply using your sense of hearing.
To do this, you have to practice first putting first with your eyes open at a range of 10 to 50 feet from the hole. After putting these balls with your eyes open, do the same thing this time with your eyes closed. If the ball goes in the hole, you know that sink the ball with your eyes closed.
Another eyes closed technique involves dropping some balls to the ground and just putting them. The objective here is simply to let you feel how the stroke flows back and forth. Do the same thing also with your eyes open. Now that you know the difference, try to incorporate that when you are putting the balls into the hole.

The last golf swing drill is called the alignment drill. To do this, you lay two clubs on the green about six inches apart and make sure that they are parallel to each other. Now putt the ball to see if your stroke is aligned at impact and steady on the back and forward stroke. Do this several times and if you get tired, take a break and rest for a while before resuming the drill.

Practicing some golf swing putting drills like those mentioned will surely help you improve on your game. Who knows? You might even win when you are playing 18 holes with friends. If you can do that at short distances, the only thing to practice on now is your long game because this is just as important as the short game.